Yes, I’m back from Prague, the place where took place Common Europe Congress 2023 and I’m still in cloud nine. Let me tell you why.

It was my first time in Common Europe. I have been very lucky to be able to make two presentations and to be able to attend the presentations of the most leading people worldwide in the world of IBM i. I’m sure I’m leaving many out, but I’d like to name Scott Klement, whom I’ve been following for years and who has saved my life so many times with that piece of code or that API that he has selflessly programmed to make life easier to the others, Brigitta Hauser, whom I have also followed for years and who writes such good advices about SQL in forums that have later been useful to others, Liam Allan, developer of the IBM i plugin for Visual Studio Code. I could go on like this for several hours. Been in front of these people has been awesome.

Prague is a very beautiful city, the choice was perfect and the organization of the event was simply spectacular. From the moment you arrive and collect your accreditation, you mix with 400 people who share with you the love of the best platform that IBM has ever developed, the IBM i.

The presentations, as I mentioned before, have been spectacular but the opportunity to network with people from other parts of the world is not far behind. I have had the opportunity to meet many people from both my country and others with whom I still have a relationship today and we help each other out as much as we can.

Afterwards you will get to know the city, very beautiful by the way, and chat with those people about everything and nothing in particular. Just great.

Vltava River

Charles Bridge Entrance

Charles Bridge

Back to the hotel in very good company. From left to right David Giannini, Antonio Salcedo (me) and David García

Of course the organization, which I fervently congratulate from here, had a surprise prepared. A visit with dinner included to the Prague Municipal House where you could enjoy a piano concert as well as get to know the inside of such a majestic building.

Prague Municipal House

Regarding the presentations I made, it was for NextGen people and it is always a pleasure to see young people being interested in this platform and wanting to work with it. As instructor I love to teach courses to people who sees the IBM i for the very first time and it is a privilege to see how they get trapped with the easy to use, the power and the stability of the platform. 

Next year the chosen city is Milan and I am already counting the days until I go.

If you have the opportunity to attend I encourage you to do so because I’m sure you won’t regret it and at the very least you’ll be able to meet me in person 😉

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